Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pictures. Pictures GALLOOORE.

This is one of the longest trips I have ever been on, and there's at least another week and a half of it. Then I go back to Louisiana to see family and friends. There's shows both in Louisiana and Georgia right now, so I'm going to try and piggyback this work onto those.

Here's more than a few pictures from the trip so far

Old Glory Outside my hotel the first day in Atlanta

View from my bedroom. MY BEDROOM!
The tiny balcony, which I am convinced is going to collapse at anypoint

Zombie Victor, Zombie Meegan (source of my eventual spiral into evil), Zombie Mahself.
Zombie Eyes. Know what's not fun to look out of? These.
These too.
A demon dutifully guards the Kraft Services

My actor and I. Can't tell who's who, right? riiiight?
assorted carnival pictures from 4 weeks of nights in a amusement park that have all blurred into one.

Zombies don't just make movies. They watch movies.

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