Sunday, March 22, 2009


5 rounds
max bw bench press
max pullups

6 bench press
10 pullups

6 bench press
7 pullups

4 bench press
10 pullups

4 bench press
6 pullups

4bench press
6 pullups



162lb deadlift 21 reps
800m run
162lb deadlift 15 reps
800m run
162lb deadlift 9 reps
800m run
For time


The prescribed weight is 225, and I was able to lift the weight pretty easy without to much trouble, so next time I should add the weight on. Runs were done on the treadmill, I don't know if that really counts.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


ramping up the weights, woo woo

3x5 Squats 177lbs
3x5 bench 65 lb dumbbells
1x5 deadlift 212
2x10 dips

I'm angered that I just don't do enough work. I'm pretty lazy on stretching and doing fundamental exercises.  Needs to change.

Current handstand record is 20 seconds. Poo Poo.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm in a Frank Sinatra state of mind


Squats 3x5 172
Mil press 3x5 45 lb dumbbells
Clean and press 3x5 142
2x8 pullups

All of the crew on this show is East Coast. While it's been nothing concrete, some interesting things have been thrown out about the possibilities  of future work for these guys, both in New York and out the country. 

This hits me in almost the same sort of way that it hit me when I first moved out to Los Angeles.

See I don't really like Los Angeles very much. I want to, but I'm not sure It's for me after all. If there's enough work for me in New York, it'd be a lot of fun to live there and maybe just visit Los Angeles. It might pull me out of the funk.

I'd have to be super talented to make it anywhere, so regardless of where I go I'm going to have to continue to step up my game. I'm also banned from putting on any weight. My defining career to this moment has been in part to my size. 

I'd also like to think I'm fluid enough to be able to move when I have to, and NY is better, that's where I should go. Just thoughts right now, but it excites me a little. 

We'll see if I get any calls from those guys for work. If I don't get any calls, I'm going to at least visit and check it all out. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

workout plus thoughts equal....BRUCE LEE!


3x5 squat 172lbs
3x5 mil press 45 dumbbells
3x5 power clean 145lbs

Johnny Stewart just completely roasted Jim Cramer on his show and the majority of the reason? The dynamic of Stewarts show is Comedy, thus meaning that he can stand by his main points and not be called out. Thus meaning he can say any thing with conviction.

It's the same concept as the Michael Phelps mishap. If he had been vocal about marijuana use before he was outed it would have been no big deal. But because he created an image that was opposite from his true self (at least in some formality....) he had to go back and apologize for himself. Or....

"To thine own self be true"

in that vein I love my friend Luci Romberg  because of tonight. "Why not? You're a Hollywood Stuntman!"


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pictures. Pictures GALLOOORE.

This is one of the longest trips I have ever been on, and there's at least another week and a half of it. Then I go back to Louisiana to see family and friends. There's shows both in Louisiana and Georgia right now, so I'm going to try and piggyback this work onto those.

Here's more than a few pictures from the trip so far

Old Glory Outside my hotel the first day in Atlanta

View from my bedroom. MY BEDROOM!
The tiny balcony, which I am convinced is going to collapse at anypoint

Zombie Victor, Zombie Meegan (source of my eventual spiral into evil), Zombie Mahself.
Zombie Eyes. Know what's not fun to look out of? These.
These too.
A demon dutifully guards the Kraft Services

My actor and I. Can't tell who's who, right? riiiight?
assorted carnival pictures from 4 weeks of nights in a amusement park that have all blurred into one.

Zombies don't just make movies. They watch movies.

3x5 squat 172
Bench 3x5 60lb dumbbell
1x5 deadlift 202lbs
2x8 dips

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Starting Strength week 2

all the loads increase

Squat 172
Mil press 45 db
Power clean 142
2x8 pullups

300 meter run
2 min rest
300 meter run
2 min rest
300 meter run
2 min rest
200 meter run

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Pads are for Pussies, Real mean just use tape"

Have I mentioned how much fun I am having?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Press 4466 if you wanna see a rollerskating bird dunk a basketball

Strength training by Mark Rippetoe "starting strength"

3x5 squats 162lb
3x5 bench press 55lb dumbbells
1x5 deadlift 192lbs
2x8 dips

I've fulfilled this weeks strength workout obligations, so the rest of the week is mine to play with handstands and what not, without feeling guilty.

I've decided that with my paltry four years in the buisness, the skills I have, my attitude, and my look I am a commoditiy. There are a few shows around Atlanta and some in New Orleans and I'm gonna try and get on a few. Hopefully. But I'm a profesional and no longer a kid trying to do something, so Im gonna act accordingly.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Call the Police cause I'm murdering workouts!

After some static hold stretchs

3x5 of
Handstand Pressups
L seat Lifts
Lever Pulls
Strict Pike Wall Pressups
Handstand Pushups
Planche Extends
Planche wall pushups, failed on the third set.

10 Flights of stair running with 20 pushups at the top x 4 Rounds. Rest in the Elevator on the way down.

Christopher Titus "Apparently you gotta be a little Fucking more specific....You don't wanna just leave him with a big ole Blank slate"

Amen Brother. Amen.

What's wrong with me in a nutshell

It's 4 am and I can't sleep because of my night schedule and what did i get up to do? 

Practice handstand pressups. And I got better at them so I'll probably be able to sleep tonight/this morning without laying awake questioning myself. I hope.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Todays workout, no clever title today

From Starting Strength

Squat 3 x5 162lbs
military press 3 x 5 dumbbells 35lbs
power clean 132lbs? I forgot.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This is why we dooo it.

I had a breakthrough today during a workout, however small. I managed to hold a wall planch just a little bit longer than usual. That small little bit part of productivity makes me feel completely fantastic.  And that's what it takes for me to feel happy in my life

That feeling is like a drug, and I am addicted to it. Any improvement, any challenge a little closer to getting accomplished. That's why I think I've felt so bad lately is somewhere down the line I got scared and stopped pushing myself. Maybe my challenges have just gotten bigger and harder. All I know is when I don't have that feeling, I feel awful. 

I've heard preachers say that we praise God by doing whatever it is he wants us to do. I've read verses that anything we do as praising God is in Honor of God. I think that this is what God wants me to do, to challenge myself, and if I can worship and praise my God through this, then how great is that? It's a huge challenge. It's letting go of all my fear and my inhibitions. I don't know why it's scary to me when I know the payoff is so great, but it still worries me. One day at a time.

todays workout

1 minute of static holds
  • Back Tucked Lever
  • Tucked Planche
  • Handstands
  • L sits on the rings
Some Planche training
3x5 Handstand pushups
3x5 Back Lever swings

and then it kind of petered out after that.

I think I need to cut the fat out of my workouts, this took a little to long and I didn't get to all the hardcore stuff I wanted to.